
Use of the services provided by the www.fiatprofessional.com website implies acceptance of the following terms and conditions. These may be subject to changes and variations. Please check this page periodically to verify the latest content.

General limitation of liability
The information, software and services contained in or provided by this website may not be up to date when a user visits the site, and may also contain technical or typing errors. The information provided in this website is subject to periodic change. Stellantis Europe S.p.A. reserves the right to improve and/or modify this website and/or the services it offers at any time and without prior notice.
Stellantis Europe S.p.A. does not therefore make any guarantee or declaration as to appropriateness, reliability, availability, freedom from viruses and other malware capable of causing damage, or the accuracy of the information, software, services and graphics contained in this website or in the services provided, for whatever purpose. Stellantis Europe S.p.A. shall not, under any circumstances, be held liable for direct, indirect, moral, incidental, special or consequential damage, or for any other kind of damage caused by, or in any way associated with use of this website or the services it offers, or for delays in or the impossibility of using the website or its services, or for the provision or non-provision of functions, information, software, services or graphics normally available through this website.
Stellantis Europe S.p.A. and its directors, employees and contractors shall not, under any circumstances, be held responsible for any inconvenience, loss, claim, or direct or indirect damage of any kind, even if incurred contractually or illegally, associated with the use of this website and not conforming to the present terms and conditions, even if Stellantis Europe S.p.A. has previously been informed of the risk.

Responsibilities of Stellantis Europe S.p.A.
Stellantis Europe S.p.A. accepts no responsibility for content published on this website or for the uses that third parties may make of this website, or for contamination by computer viruses caused by accessing this website, connecting to it or downloading materials or programs from it.
Stellantis Europe S.p.A. shall not therefore be held liable for any damage, loss, or inconvenience of any kind incurred by third parties as a result of their contact with this website, or as a result of using any material published in it or software used in it. Any information freely imparted to this website by third parties may be freely used by Stellantis Europe S.p.A.

All content of the www.fiatprofessional.com website is protected by copyright. The user accepts that all information, data, software, photographs, graphics, videos, layout, music, sounds, images, illustrations, drawings, icons and any other material present in this website are the exclusive property of Stellantis Europe S.p.A.
The duplication, copying in part or in whole, downloading, saving, publishing or diffusion by any means whatsoever, and in general any act of supplying or using information or material from this website, in whatever form, using media and technology already existing or yet to be developed, is strictly forbidden unless expressly stated otherwise.

Permitted use
Users may use this website only for legitimate purposes, and must not use this website for any speculative or fraudulent purposes.
It is strictly forbidden to use any part or section of this website, or the information or material contained in it for commercial or advertising purposes of any kind, without the previous explicit authorisation of Stellantis Europe S.p.A.
The user declares that he or she is adult (18 years of age) or old enough to assume all the legal obligations and responsibilities resulting from use of this website.

Absence of commercial obligations between the parties
This website helps users to identify the vehicles they want and to contact a Dealer in the Stellantis Europe S.p.A. Sales Network affiliated to the www.fiatprofessional.com website. This website does not, however, imply any commercial relationship nor to any reciprocal obligations between the user and the Dealer.

Changes and updates to technical data This website provides all the data, images and information needed to purchase a new car. Such details are regularly updated, but may nevertheless be subject to certain variations to satisfy specific market or legal requirements. Stellantis Europe S.p.A. reserves the right to make changes to the models described in this website for technical or commercial reasons at any time and without prior notice.

Vehicle colours
The colours of photos displayed on users' computer monitors may differ slightly from actual colours.
 Users are advised to visit a Dealer to see the actual colours of Fiat cars for themselves.

Data protection
Stellantis Europe S.p.A. protects users’ privacy in two ways. In compliance with our own data protection standards, personal data is disclosed exclusively to retailers licensed and guaranteed by Stellantis Europe S.p.A, to permit them to contact users as soon as possible. Furthermore, in compliance with applicable data protection and privacy laws, data conferred through this website is used for commercial and marketing purposes only with the express consent of the user and data owner.

Fiat Professional online services are free of charge
Use of the website www.fiatprofessional.com is completely free of charge. All phone connection costs are at the user’s own expense.

Characteristics of products and services
This website is accessible to users from all over the world, and may therefore contain references to products and services that are not available or are prohibited in a user’s country of residence. The provision of such information does not imply that Stellantis Europe S.p.A. intends to make available such products or services in the user’s country or that such products and services may legally be used by the user in his country. 
Stellantis Europe S.p.A. reserves the right to withhold determined products or services and to modify their characteristics at any time, without prior notice, and without any further obligation.

Links to other websites and services
This website may contain references to products and services provided by third parties, and links to third party websites.
Stellantis Europe S.p.A. neither guarantees nor assumes responsibility for content or information provided by third parties, not for the completeness or accuracy of the same, nor for the content of third party websites.
Stellantis Europe S.p.A. neither guarantees nor assumes any responsibility for the content, availability, functioning or obligations of any website to which this website provides links or from which this website may be accessed.