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End of Life Vehicle Collection

End of Life Vehicle Collection
For many years Fiat have been working on a global policy for the protection of and respect for the environment through constant improvements in the production processes and the creation of products of increasing Eco-compatibility. We have taken steps to comply with European directive 2000/53 and to ensure that customers receive the best possible service in respect of End of Life Vehicles. Under the terms the ELV regulations 2005, Fiat Group Automobiles UK Ltd is responsible for vehicles it has previously placed on the UK market. We must provide last owners of end of life vehicles with an accessible free take-back network for qualifying vehicles from 1st January 2007 and, together with other economic operators; meet recycling and recovery targets of 85% by weight by 2006, and 95% by weight from 2015. A "qualifying vehicle" is a passenger vehicle with up to 9 seats or a goods vehicle with a gross vehicle weight up to 3,500kg. The vehicle must be complete and free from any additional waste. Fiat Group Automobiles UK Ltd has appointed Autogreen as our authorised service provider for End of Life Vehicles. Autogreen provide a national network of Authorised Treatment Facilities (ATFs). These are sites which have been licensed by the Environment Agency in England & Wales, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency in Scotland or the Environment & Heritage Service in Northern Ireland, to de-pollute end of life vehicles to standards set by DEFRA (the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs). Only licensed ATF sites are permitted to issue last owners with a DVLA Certificate of Destruction (CoD). A Certificate of Destruction (CoD) is issued to prove that a vehicle has been scrapped in a lawful and environmentally sound manner. Without a CoD a last owner could be fined under new laws on continuous licensing. For any further information on disposal of vehicles please contact Autogreen via their website.

Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations 2009.

If you would like more information on Waste Batteries please click here.


Do you want to know more?

For any further information on disposal of vehicles please contact Autogreen via their website.